Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Ymgeiswyr lloches yn achosi mwy o broblemau

Dwi'n siwr y bydd darllenwyr Blogmenai yn cydymdeimlo efo'r aelod seneddol Toriaidd Adam Holloway ar y problemau mae'n eu cael efo ymgeiswyr lloches.  Does yna ddim pen draw i'r problemau mae hyn oll yn ei achosi.  Eglurodd ei broblemau dybryd mewn dadl yn Nhy'r Cyffredin heddiw.

"They have been though dozens of safe countries by the time they get to Calais. It’s quite possible to be a refugee and an economic migrant.

“And I think that’s one of the appalling truths of the Syrian bodies that have been washed up on the beaches. They previously got to safe countries and now they’re choosing to come to Europe…

“Likewise, we have people in this country who have come here, have claimed asylum, and then they go back on holiday in the places where they claimed asylum from. 

“I couldn’t have my hair cut the other day for that reason.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pe byddai tad Aylan wedi cael lloches yma, yna efallai y byddai'r boi wedi cael ei wallt wedi ei dorri. Barbwr ydi o.
